
 they seem to be in power 
1.	Robot Art and Culture to the 27th century 
2.	Iterative Œartš 
3.	Found unabel to pass the message entrusted to it 

 we have been reduced to little more than a voice in the ether 
1.	our first communications were primarily visual: 
*	TheyWe Were Machined 
*	After the fall you get lilypads 
*	Doomed to be replaced by what she once was 
*	The Sky has corners, and our mascot makes another appearance 
2.	later, textual communication became increasingly comprehensible: 
*	Seasons became opinions, currents became moods 
*	The Lights Going Out, and Other Proper Nouns 
*	A Mission To Save Time As We Know It And Have Sex 

 small, robert, jr. assistant prof, rotherhithe university 
1.	Information Ecosystem 
1.	00
2.	01
3.	02
4.	03
5.	04
6.	05

2.	An Assembled History of Moebius Plink and the Culture that Subsumed him 
3.	TheySayCarte: an historic exercise in futility 
4.	Housescape: an analysis of an image 
5.	I got lost in a line of code and ended up with LA LINK!S: 
